
creating account guide:

first: Open mssq express managament studio
2. Click: New querry
3: Select: ACCOUNT_DBF (not master)
4: copy this querry:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[createaccount]
@account VARCHAR(15),
@password VARCHAR(32)



DECLARE @DateActivated AS CHAR(8)

INSERT INTO ACCOUNT_TBL (account, [password], id_no2, isuse, member, realname)
VALUES (@account, @password, @password, 'T', 'A', 'F')

SET @DateActivated = CONVERT(CHAR(8), GETDATE()-1, 112 ) --Is the date today - 1
--UPDATE ACCOUNT_TBL_DETAIL SET BlockTime = @DateYesterday WHERE account = @userid
--INSERT INTO ACCOUNT_TBL_DETAIL (account, gamecode, tester, m_chLoginAuthority, regdate, BlockTime, EndTime, WebTime, isuse)
-- VALUES (@account, 'A000', '2', 'F', GETDATE(), '20990101', '20990101', '20050101', 'O')

INSERT INTO ACCOUNT_TBL_DETAIL (account, gamecode, tester, m_chLoginAuthority, regdate, BlockTime, EndTime, WebTime, isuse)
VALUES (@account, 'A000', '2', 'F', GETDATE(), @DateActivated, '20990101', '20050101', 'O')

5: Click Execute, when it finish restart MSSQL, don't need to save querry.
6: now click on New querry again and select: ACCOUNT_DBF.
7: paste this querry:


DECLARE @return_value int

EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[createaccount]
@account = N'user',
@password = N'pass in md5(serus+pass)'

SELECT 'Return Value' = @return_value

where it say @account =N'here put YourUsername', put your account name.
@password = N'pass in md5(serus+pass)', here put your password serus+password usind md5 generator , for exemplo serustest.

MD5 generator: http://www.adamek.biz/md5-generator.php
GM ep 2 And GM Up 5,6
DECLARE @id varchar(13)
DECLARE @pw varchar(13)
DECLARE @depart varchar(32)
DECLARE @class varchar(12)
DECLARE @name varchar(12)
DECLARE @birthday varchar(10)
DECLARE @grade int
DECLARE @subgrade int
SELECT @id = 'your login'
SELECT @pw = 'your password'
SELECT @depart = 'none'
SELECT @class = 'GM'
SELECT @name = 'name'
SELECT @birthday = 'None'
SELECT @grade = 2
SELECT @subgrade = 4
EXEC @RC = [rf_account].[dbo].[pInsert_Staff] @id, @pw, @depart, @class, @name, @birthday, @grade, @subgrade
DECLARE @PrnLine nvarchar(4000)
PRINT 'Stored Procedure: rf_account.dbo.pInsert_Staff'
SELECT @PrnLine = ' Return Code = ' + CONVERT(nvarchar, @RC)
PRINT @PrnLine
DECLARE @id varchar(13)
DECLARE @pw varchar(13)
DECLARE @depart varchar(32)
DECLARE @class varchar(12)
DECLARE @name varchar(12)
DECLARE @birthday varchar(10)
DECLARE @grade int
DECLARE @subgrade int
SELECT @id = 'your login'
SELECT @pw = 'your password'
SELECT @depart = 'none'
SELECT @class = 'GM'
SELECT @name = 'name'
SELECT @birthday = 'None'
SELECT @grade = 2
SELECT @subgrade = 4
EXEC @RC = [RF_User].[dbo].[pInsert_Staff] @id, @pw, @depart, @class, @name, @birthday, @grade, @subgrade
DECLARE @PrnLine nvarchar(4000)
PRINT 'Stored Procedure: RF_User.dbo.pInsert_Staff'
SELECT @PrnLine = ' Return Code = ' + CONVERT(nvarchar, @RC)
PRINT @PrnLine 
Ragnarok GM
Setting up a GM Account

Text Database

Adding a gamemaster is quite simple, have your future gamemaster tell you his or her account name, and open up save/account.txt

Press ctrl + F and type in the account name. It will highlight it for you, TO THE LEFT of the account name will be a number

2000001 Test Test 2005-04-10 10:06:45.982 M 3 0 a@a.com - 0 - 0
You want the first number, write it down, memorize it, or copy it, just don't forget it.

Next : go to conf\gm_account.txt

ON the bottom of the txt file, type in the account number you just got, make a space, and then add a GAMEMASTER LEVEL (More on this is found furthur down)

If you want to give gamemaster status to multiple (probably all accounts) then you use a - to signify a range

1-100000000000000 99
Accounts 1 all the way to 100000000000000 would be given GameMaster 99.

MySQL Database
Open the login table in your ragnarok database through MySQL Query Browser and find the account name. Scroll to the right and, under the level column, change to the desired GM lvl (max is 99).

If you want an SQL query, this would be it:

UPDATE `login` SET `level`='99' WHERE `userid`='<your_account_name>'

You can also use the SIP Control Center, launch it, click on SQL and then on the LOGIN TABLE, locate the account you wish to make a GM and click on EDIT, now change their level to the appropriate GM level you wish for them to have.

If this is your first GM you will need to restart your server for the setting to take place in game, if you already have a GM you can simply login in game on the level 99 GM and type @reloadgmdb and your new GM should be active Smiley

GameMaster Sprites
If you want a gamemaster sprite, open up your sclientinfo in your ragnarok folder

Right below the </langtype> line, slap this in

Replace the # sign with the account number of your gamemaster account, this will ONLY affect YOUR OWN CLIENT, so if you want others to see you must add it into your patch.

Setting up atcommand.conf
First go to your conf folder, and open up atcommand.conf.

You'll notice there is some writing there, it explains the original design of the atcommand, if you want to use that format, go ahead, but most people have their own preferences.

Some Basics :

A level of 2 will receive all commands a level 1 would have, likewise, a 99 would receive all the commands a 44 would have, but a 44 would NOT receive the commands of a 45.

So you have to plan the commands carefully.

To set a command to a certain level, press Ctrl + F, and type in the COMMAND NAME, THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE THE /, @, or #. Once you do that it will highlight the line you want to add, let's say you wanted to adjust @who to give all players, you would search for who, and the line would show up...

who: 20
The 20, surprise surprise, determines what access level the command is, a 20 means only a level 20 GM and higher may use the command.

Commands given restriction level 0 are allowed to be used by ALL PLAYERS given that atcommand_gm_only in conf/battle/gm.conf is set to no.

PLEASE NOTE: We do not provide support for these source edits or client alterations, source edits and client alteration are not supported by SIP, DO so at your own risk, and as always be smart when source editing and make a full backup of your server using the SIP:CC TOOLS menu before you start!